Four Leaf Honey Farm- Creating a big BUZZ in Wayne County

Four Leaf Honey Farm- Creating a big BUZZ in Wayne County

Four Leaf Honey Farm, a family-owned beekeeping supply store and retail shop is owned and operated by the 3rd generation beekeepers, The Alexanders. Under their leadership, the farm is creating a big buzz in Wayne County. We asked them to share about their business and connection to the area for our focus on Our Community.

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County Government- Service and Fiscal Responsibility

County Government- Service and Fiscal Responsibility

When is it comes to County Government, we couldn’t think of a better guest blogger than Beth Leisure, President of the Wayne County Council. We asked her to tell our readers and followers about service and what the Council does on a weekly basis. Here are her...

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Why Small-Town Government is Important

Why Small-Town Government is Important

We are thrilled that Barb Irvin, Economy’s Clerk/Treasurer, is our blog guest writer for this month as we look at government. Barb is a fellow Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program (HELP) Core Committee member for Wayne County. She shares her perspective on why small-town...

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Cambridge City Main Street – All About Community

Cambridge City Main Street – All About Community

As we wrap up Main Street month, Forward Wayne County asked Troy Lewis, President of Cambridge City Main Street, to share his perspective on the importance of his organization. He shared that Cambridge City Main Street is all about community: Our events, our...

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Why Free Shakespeare in the Park?

Why Free Shakespeare in the Park?

As Forward Wayne County closes out its focus on Arts and Culture this month, we asked Ray Ontko, Richmond Shakespeare Festival board president, why public theater, and specifically free Shakespeare, is important. Richmond Shakespeare Festival (RSF) provides Free...

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Murals Make Communities Beautiful

Murals Make Communities Beautiful

As we continue our focus on Arts and Culture, enjoy this week’s blog by Angel Gray with the Tourism Bureau. She shares how murals make communities beautiful: Imagine being a tourist in an unfamiliar place, walking through a downtown, turning a corner and unexpectedly...

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An Important Fabric of the Community  

An Important Fabric of the Community  

When you consider everything arts and culture can offer a community, the possibilities are endless. Whether contributing to local economic development, building community, or attracting investments, there is always a case for a robust local arts scene. As we begin to...

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From Aspirations to Achievements

From Aspirations to Achievements

As Forward Wayne County closes out its focus on Educational Attainment, we asked Cassandra VanDevender, Career Services Specialist with IU East, to discuss higher education and some ways IU East can help students navigate their academic journey.  I was honored...

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The Case for Lifelong Learning

The Case for Lifelong Learning

Our learning never stops. We are constantly introduced to new ideas, concepts, and approaches that influence our lives. The is called being a lifelong learner and it's a familiar term for most.  What exactly is lifelong learning? How can we pursue it? To continue...

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Educational Attainment and the Local Workforce   

Educational Attainment and the Local Workforce   

The state of a community’s workforce is essential to the local economy. A workforce needs to have diverse skills and backgrounds to sustain job retention and growth. Education plays a crucial part in this by giving people the chance to learn new skills and become more...

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Preserving Neighborhoods and Communities

Preserving Neighborhoods and Communities

We are closing out our focus on neighborhood development with a guest blog from Brittany Miller. As the Director of the Indiana Landmarks Eastern Regional Office, she is directly involved in historic preservation efforts across Wayne County. We asked her to discuss...

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Community Involvement with the McLanes

Community Involvement with the McLanes

What is a neighborhood without its people? Neighborhoods need passionate residents to create change and advocate for the community. Wayne County is full of individuals who fit that description. They work across all sectors to make a difference, whether big or...

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Igniting Change Through Small Initiatives

Igniting Change Through Small Initiatives

Vincent Van Gogh once said, “Great things are done by a series of small things coming together.” This mentality applies to different scenarios. One of those scenarios is neighborhood development, where small projects can create massive impacts.   As Forward...

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People Helping People

People Helping People

People can do amazing things. Whether big impacts or small projects, everyone can contribute to positive efforts. However, finding those opportunities or the inspiration to get involved may prove difficult for some people.  As Forward Wayne County closes out the...

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