While our health and wellness is something we should always strive to improve, longer days and warmer weather certainly help! Here are a few ways you can get active and take care of your body this season.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

This is a simple one to start with, but one that I feel is very important. It’s extremely convenient to stop at a gas station or swing through a drive through for a soda or an energy drink (I’m mostly writing this for myself). However, all of the added sugar can leave you feeling groggy and unwell. While water isn’t quite as exciting as a Coke or a Red Bull, proper hydration is key to maintaining whole-body health.

The CDC reports that drinking enough water each day helps your body maintain a normal temperature, lubricate your joints, and more. If plain water isn’t your thing, try adding a lemon slice or two. Or, get some water in your body through black coffee or teas (in moderation). My personal tip: get a filtered water bottle, fill it with ice, and have cold, fresh water at your desk all day!

Move a Little Every Day

It’s hard to make time to go to the gym every week, between work, family, and social commitments. However, you don’t need a 3-hour, high intensity training routine to start getting healthier. Walking is free, easy, and you can fit it into your schedule whenever you can find time. If your situation allows it, try taking 5-10 minutes out of your lunch break for a quick walk around the block. You can even invite a coworker along to keep you accountable!

If you’re looking for longer, more engaging walks, Wayne County has a variety of options for walking! Hayes Arboretum and Cope Environmental Center are both home to beautiful trails, letting you connect with nature on your walk. Or, if you’d prefer to walk on a paved surface, the Cardinal Greenway has several access points in Wayne County and offers a beautiful view of the countryside!

A section of the Cardinal Greenway trail that connects to the Veteran's Memorial Park.
The newly added Connector Trail that links the
Richmond Veteran’s Memorial Park to the rest of the Cardinal Greenway trail.

Find the Balance

Some days are hard, and it can be difficult to opt for the healthy food choice like salad or chicken. Finding a balance between healthy choices and the occasional treat is important for a sustainable lifestyle. While weight loss is widely regarded as 80% diet and 20% exercise, one cheat day won’t ruin your progress!

A carefully regimented meal-plan is an excellent way to maintain weight. However, having wiggle room is important in maintaining long term goals. Chicken and rice is a great healthy option, but let’s face it – we’re all human, and there’s a lot of great unhealthy food out there. When the bad day hits and all you want is a burger, don’t beat yourself up. Everyone’s health journey is different, and they are by no means linear. As long as you strive to make a progress, eat in moderation, and make healthy choices most of the time, you’re on the right track!

Leading a more active lifestyle doesn’t have to be time consuming or strenuous. It’s as simple as taking a bit of time for yourself and making the choices you know will benefit you in the long run! Getting your body moving and fueling it with healthy food and water are a surefire way to feel better and enjoy the spring weather.

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