Neighborhood Development
Why is focusing on Neighborhood Development so critical?
There’s more to life than working, so we want to give our residents a place to work, live, and play.
Jobs attract residents, but quality housing and amenities keep residents.
Today, we have a shortage of quality housing and it’s our goal to create more options for residents and prospective residents. The work focuses on the community-led revitalization of spaces that enhance the lives of our residents.
“The mutual love affair between people and their place is one of the most powerful influences in our lives, yet rarely thought of in terms of a relationship.”
Peter Kageyama
Author of Love Where You Live
How are we tackling the work of Community Development?
By using an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) framework and the Collective Impact model to engage community residents and organizations in leveraging the assets of a community to improve it. Too many times residents focus on all the things wrong with a community. Using the ABDC method, we flip the script and begin with improving our current assets.
We began by establishing the Main Street Coalition with members of our community Main Street organizations to work collectively to improve our county’s downtowns.
Interested in learning more about our Main Street Coalition? Contact us today.
Engaging Residents To Improve Local Neighborhoods
To make Wayne County a GREAT community, we can’t just rely on the city or county government or the Main Street Coalition. We must engage the residents through our new program Neighborhood Involvement and Community Engagement, or as we like to call it, NICE!.
The purpose of the NICE!’ series is to bring together members of the Wayne County community to learn; why it’s important to have a NICE! Group, how to create it, how to sustain it, and how to improve neighborhoods and communities through the idea of social infrastructure and interaction.
Thinking your neighborhood needs the NICE! program? GREAT! We would love to help. Contact us now to learn how we can bring this program to your neighborhood.