Apr 11, 2022 | Forward Wayne County, News, Story
This month, we welcomed the newest member of the Forward Wayne County team, Daniel Arthur. We asked him to share a bit about himself and what he’s looking forward to in his new role. About Me Hello! For those of you I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name...
Dec 17, 2020 | Collective Impact, Event, Forward Wayne County, News, Our Community, Our People, Story
As we wind down 2020, we thought it would be fruitful to look back on our accomplishments for the year. It is definitely a year to remember. COVID delayed some work, but it showed us some things: One, that we are strong and capable.Two, we need to make some...
Nov 24, 2020 | Forward Wayne County, News, Our Community, Our People, Story
Thanksgiving may look a little different this year for many of us, but it can still be a time to pause and reflect on what we are thankful for. We encourage you to write down what you are thankful for or better yet, send a thank you note, email, or text. It will...
Sep 14, 2020 | Collective Impact, Forward Wayne County, News, Our Community, Our People
Forward Wayne County helps make the impossible, possible. How? More on that later… First, let us explain why having organizations like ours is important. Have you ever tried to put together an 8-man tent by yourself? It is nearly impossible! Believe me,...
Feb 24, 2020 | Collective Impact, Forward Wayne County, News, Our People
At a recent Agbioscience Innovation Summit held in Indianapolis, a panel of experts discussed industry challenges: “What’s the key factor in a startup’s success? Employees. Why had a particular agbioscience company moved to Indiana? The people. What does a CEO...