Have you ever wanted to make a change in your life, but fear, time, or just life was too much? Oh, and then throw in a pandemic?
One more thing. Right? Or is it?
For all the problems that this pandemic has caused, a few good things may have come out of it. It has provided time to get things done that you may have wanted or needed to do.
Perhaps it’s the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the time you have now
Like getting additional education. The State of Indiana jumped at the opportunity and quickly expanded the Governor’s Next Level Jobs Initiative to include Rapid Recovery Enhancements in two areas: for Indiana residents and for employers. You can read all about it here.
Since its inception, more than 13,300 Hoosiers have completed Workforce Ready-eligible certificate programs. These same individuals have also seen an average wage increase of $6,400 a year. That’s an average of $500 more income a month.
The ultimate goal? Help Hoosier residents take the next step—to get a new job quickly; get a better job through affordable or free education and training through Work Ready Grants; or access other critical support. It could change your life!
For residents, the State worked with several education providers to develop hundreds of short term certifications that cover advanced manufacturing; building and construction; health and life sciences; IT and business services; or transportation and logistics. And they are free. The State funneled enough dollars into Work Ready Grants to train 100,000 more Hoosiers.
Wayne County Residents
Forward Wayne County’s message to Wayne County residents is this: It’s time to take advantage of the time you have now. Ivy Tech Community College Richmond Campus is our local provider and they have in-person or online training. So far this academic year, 24 residents have enrolled in training. Last year, 54 of you did it.
Here’s The Catch
Residents need to complete their short-term certification by the middle of December 2020. That’s two and half months to complete.
“I can’t do this!” “I don’t have the time.” “I’ll never make it.” “I’m working.”
Friends. It’s probably easier than you think. And you are much more capable than you give yourself credit for. Let’s say it’s an 80-hour certification program, all online. You can do it in eight weeks. That’s:
- Your lunch hour, plus DVRing one hour of reality shows Monday-Friday. No weekends.
- Skipping the nightly news and getting up one hour early Monday-Friday. No weekends.
- One hour after dinner and one hour after the kids go to bed Monday-Friday. No weekends.
- An hour or two before your shift or an hour or two after your shift Monday-Friday. No weekends.
- Two hours during the day as your kids are doing remote learning, you do your remote learning Monday-Friday. No weekends.
- Delaying two hours of nightly Hulu or Amazon Prime Monday-Friday. No weekends.
The point is, you can do it with whatever schedule works best for you. And you will come out of it with a credential, possibly a raise, the opportunity for better employment, or even a career change. Take advantage of the time you have now. Because the funding for these short-term, Rapid Recovery Enhancement certifications are gone by the end of the year. For more information, visit www.nextleveljobs.com or contact Ivy Tech Community college today at 765-966-2656 ext. 1226.
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