WAYNE COUNTY, Indiana – Forward Wayne County asks for residents’ opinions in county-wide survey designed to develop a comprehensive plan to improve local communities.
Background: Forward Wayne County is a backbone organization that helps better align community resources, in order to foster economic vitality and promote prosperity. Forward Wayne County is focused on providing support and resources for two key strategic pillars; Our People and Our Community. We believe the initiatives, programs, and projects that fall into these two pillars will significantly impact Wayne County’s big picture goals. Those big picture goals include increasing median income, increasing population, decreasing the number of people living in poverty, and increasing the percentage of people with quality secondary degrees. A key component to solving complex problems like these is operating as an effective backbone organization, supporting collective impact initiatives like the Early Childhood Learning and Employability coalitions.
Why a Wayne County Survey: Many of the county’s communities have recently conducted a comprehensive plan which involved hearing from residents; however, we’ve not heard from the entire county in one survey. To develop a countywide plan to create more vibrant, thriving, and forward-thinking communities, Forward Wayne County is asking residents to tell us about life in Wayne County.
We are asking residents to share with us their toughest childcare challenges; what a vibrant downtown means to them; what kind of housing they expect to have here; and to other factors that affect their quality of life.
How this survey data will be used: This data will help inform future projects and key initiatives that align with Forward Wayne County’s mission to attract, develop, and retain a highly competitive workforce, to meet the current and future needs of our area’s businesses and industries. We will share the results with the community via our website and will send the data to key partners with the Early Childhood Coalition, Employability Coalition and other partner organizations that are focused on community development and workforce development.
Where to find the survey:
The survey is located on the main page of our website: https://forwardwaynecounty.org/, or residents can visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WCVoices2020
What you can do to help us reach 400 responses!
- Help spread the word and encourage others to complete the survey
- Share on your social platforms
- Invite Lauralee Hites and/or Rebecca Gilliam to talk about it
- Complete the survey