
Why focus on the environment?

Environmentally-friendly communities are vibrant, thriving communities. In Deloitte’s Global Millennial Survey 2020 of more than 18,000 millennials and Gen Zs found the pandemic has reinforced their desire to push for a world in which businesses and governments mirror that same commitment to society, putting people ahead of profits and  prioritizing environmental sustainability.

If we want to attract talent and population, those seeking to relocate expect to live in environmentally friendly communities.  That means we need to increase the importance of the health and sustainability of our living spaces.

How can we improve our environment locally?

We are making strides to reduce our dependency on cars – even in our rural communities where we are constructing bike lanes through some of our county’s downtowns. We are also working to promote recycling and support our local companies dedicated to reducing plastic waste, like DAK Americas.

Leveraging current community assets and natural amenities in addition to building out existing physical amenities are all important for developing Wayne County sustainability.

Bicycles for the Environment

“Last year, Wayne County recycled 489.62 tons and Union County recycled 114.80 tons, culminating in an outstanding 604.42 tons together.”

– Dakota Bertsch
Wayne County SWCD

Wayne County Organizations Dedicated to Environmental Education and Sustainability:

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