An abundance of green spaces is vital to the fabric of any community. They provide recreational activities and are essential to the environment’s health. Many cities (including ones in Wayne County) have invested heavily in green spaces, giving them more attention and merit.
What are some examples of green spaces? What benefits do they offer to communities? As Forward Wayne County begins to focus on the Environment, we will answer those questions and more.

What are Green Spaces?
Green spaces are usually defined as open spaces within cities designated for parks, trees, grass, and other plant life. They are designed to allow residents in an urban area access to recreation and natural resources and help create a more diverse city landscape.
The great part about green spaces is they can take several forms. Some prime examples include pocket parks, community gardens, local parks, public landscaping, and street trees. Each form comes with its share of benefits and purposes, but they play a part in helping the environment and adding to the community.
The benefits of green spaces cannot be underestimated. They range from improving the environment to bettering people’s health. Here are just a few examples.
Green spaces add an environmental component to a town or city. Having trees and other plants in an urban area can help improve air quality and increase the presence of helpful pollinators. Additionally, this type of green infrastructure helps improve biodiversity and conservation. It also gives local fauna places to live and thrive.
Resolving the urban heat island effect has been a prominent driver in creating more environmental spaces. The phenomenon happens when structures like buildings and concrete outweigh environmental assets. Green spaces play an active role in reducing this problem by introducing more natural resources.
If you are interested in more information, the City of Richmond completed a study on heat management in 2023. You can read the entire plan here.
Recreation and Socialization
Having ample recreational opportunities is essential because it helps get people outside and adds more activities to the community. Green spaces like parks, trails, and community gardens help generate more outdoor interests.
Green spaces also produce more social cohesion among community members. Outdoor pursuits are great ways to connect people with similar hobbies. For example, a community of pickleball players in Wayne County has formed thanks to a common interest and readily available courts.
Mental and Physical Health
Several studies have shown the benefits of being outside for our health, both physical and mental. Being outside is a great way to relieve stress, improve respiratory health, and boost our mood. Additionally, outdoor recreation is an amazing source of exercise.
The presence of these areas increases people’s options to experience the benefits of being outside. They also give those living within the city accessibility to those options.

Wayne County Parks
One of Wayne County’s greatest assets is its local green spaces and parks. Residents do not have to deal with a shortage of them. Below is a list of some of the green spaces that make up our communities.
- Richmond: Glenn Miller Park
- Centerville: Maplewood Park
- Cambridge City: Creitz Park
- Hagerstown: Dr. William Miller Memorial Park
- Economy: Economy Lions Park
- Dublin: Wilson Park
- Fountain City: Fountain City Community Park
Along with these parks, there are some ongoing projects aiming to modernize some parks in Wayne County. East Germantown and Economy are both in the process of fundraising to replace aging park equipment as part of the CreatINg Places program.
If you are interested in donating, East Germantown’s page can be found here, and Economy’s here.